Mamma we made it!!!

Mamma we made it!!!

It was just like yesterday that we started an intense four weeks Bootcamp, where we were tasked to create a web-based CRM software for business growth and tracking customer information, sales history, and support requests.

It’s week four y’all…

The week were we showcase all that we have been working on for the past few weeks

Now not to brag or anything …

We have been holding down the second position for 3 weeks straight with all the challenges and ups &downs. I believe this week will be different (good different).

At the beginning of week we had no software only a wire frame of Cx365 (Our Frontend track left us)

Midweek other teams members took charge, worked on the landing pages, dashboards and screens. This gave us the boost we needed for the final lap.

A big thank you to my amazing track members for not give up, for showing up and showing out. For doing our best, learning and growing. It’s been a pleasure working with everyone.

Let’s go hard this week and show them what we are made of!!!

Wish us luck.

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